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The Qabalah is a wealth of information. The word Qabalah is Hebrew and it means to receive inner wisdom. The teachings have previously been passed down through the ages by word of mouth and are more often known as Kabbalah as it comes from Jewish origins. Although the subject is the same, the word Qabalah is more regularly known by those of non-Jewish background linked to the Western world.
The Qabalah has many levels - there are Worlds within Worlds - and if we start at the beginning, and take the teachings one step at a time, we soon discover they are beautifully simple and very effective.
So what is it all about?
What is the point of it, and why would anyone want to study this Ancient Wisdom?
Lets begin with what Qabalah is not. It is not a religion and yet it embraces all faiths, beliefs and traditions. It recognises the value in everything and teaches there are no wrongs or rights just different perspectives. The Qabalistic route is walking the path that is right for us and not concerning ourselves with how others are walking their path, or making judgements.
Qabalah is more a Way of Life. It expands awareness on all levels and encourages us to look at our Self, our life, and the Bigger Picture in a different way. It highlights where our strengths and weaknesses are, and starts to bring out the Real You.
It has been said Qabalah is very complicated. Qabalah is complex spirituality is a huge topic - but it is also beautifully simple. If we start at the beginning then, like a jigsaw, the pieces start to fall into place and our understanding of it grows the mental pennies start to drop.
The Qabalah teachings are mapped out on the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is like a spiritual road map, it guides us from one area of life into another.
The idea is to identify our dreams and successfully bring them into manifestation. The spiritual journey mapped out on the Tree of Life helps us to find ways of leading lives that are more in line with the true nature of who we are.
How many people are not happy? How many people spend a lot of their time just trying to survive? How many are in relationships that are not equal or working in jobs that do not bring fulfilment and creative potential remains undiscovered and unused. Qabalah is simply about tapping into that creative power. The Bigger Picture is an ideal world full of creative individuals leading more fulfilling and happier lives.
The Qabalah works very much on a practical level and the teachings start by encouraging us to look at the life we are leading and the private world we have created for ourselves. The focus is on being grounded as well as spiritually aware. It looks at healing and the importance of being self-sufficient, and learning how to Heal Self. All aspects of healing are included. We begin to pay more attention to what is happening around, and within ourselves, and recognising help that is available spiritually. Self-discipline and self motivation are two essential requirements. Those two qualities are necessary if we want to make positive changes in our life. Life is about experiencing new things and learning new skills.
The aim is to become as the Shepherd - a leader of Self and Others; to be Master of our own life.
So you can see there is nothing airy fairy about Qabalah and there is no need to limit ourselves either. The Qabalah embraces many things including healing, astrology, karma, angels, spirit guides, astral travelling and crystals.
Paying attention to the sort of images and attitudes occupying our mind is another very important aspect to the practical Qabalah. Our feelings affect the way we think, and the way we think influences the type of experiences we draw towards us.
Many people, without realising it, are handing over their power every time they react to something in a negative and unproductive way. Qabalah helps us to peel back the layers and get to the core of who we are and how we tick. So many things influence and affect us and unless we get to grips with our weaknesses, then like an Achilles heel, they will continually bring us down and prevent us from tapping into and using the creative power available to us, and drawing what we want into our lives.
The aim is to always make choices and decisions that are right for us. That is the art behind Qabalah raising spiritual awareness and operating on a higher, more objective level. It is easy to spot someone who works from soul level rather than someone who is operating purely from a subjective stance. We may not be in control of what others say or do but we can control our own actions and behaviour.
How many of us are though?
An emotional reaction often catches us unaware. It is like a habit, we dont think about biting our nails or twiddling with our hair, we just do it. Our emotional reactions are governed by the state of our subconscious and further investigation into how we react and respond, and recognising the triggers, helps us - through becoming aware - to take control over our emotions and to avoid behaving in ways that are unproductive and even destructive.
We also have to be realistic about our expectations, bearing in mind that expectation can be the Mother of Disappointment. How well do we deal with disappointment? Qabalah helps us to hope rather than expect and to be mindful of the fact that there is a bigger picture and if we want to move forward on our journey through life we might have to accept that what we think we want may not be in alignment with the Will of our Soul.
Qabalah encompasses many different things that can help us in our daily lives. It is easy to get confused by looking at a picture of the Tree of Life because there is so much information that can be linked to it: Archangels, colours, chakras, symbols, perfumes, plants, karma, astrology, tarot, fate, destiny these are some of the things Qabalah includes but if taken one step at a time then it is easy to see the benefits and it is truly exciting to see how everything interacts and works together. Qabalah brings awareness and that awareness opens up choices and possibilities that may otherwise never see the light of day.
If you would like to learn more about the Practical Qabalah and Tree of Life then please visit Isis Qabalah Tuition or
The Order of the White Lion
Step by step workbooks are also available. These are designed for beginners to aid the student on their journey of self discovery exploring the Tree of Life and the ancient wisdom of Qabalah