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Vintage Christmas Decorations Can be Store-Bought or Handmade
The first thing that you should do before you buy vintage Christmas decorations at a store is to talk to older acquaintances who truly remember what it was like to experience Christmas with vintage Christmas decorations surrounding them. Remember, while some manufactured vintage Christmas decorations can be ornate, some traditional decorations are also remarkable simple to reproduce.
Christmas is a time for loved ones to get together and share cherished memories. The decoration process can be part of all this, and you can actually make decorations together in the tradition of vintage Christmas decorations!
During the First and Second World Wars, money was tight for people all over the world. However, that did not stop them from adding some loveliness to their Christmas by making their own decorations. One of the most popular kinds of decorations that can be made is a simple string of popcorn to adorn the tree with.
Start by making a bowl of popcorn (minus the butter) and get a long piece of thread. Simply thread the needle through each kernel of popcorn, and the result is fun, inexpensive way to decorate, yet also a reproduction of a kind of vintage Christmas decoration.
When you start thinking about decorating for Christmas, there is the inside to decorate, but there is also the outside to decorate as well. Nowadays Christmas decorations are becoming very technologically savvy, with animatronics and the like. However, they had to all start somewhere, and at its earliest beginnings there were vintage Christmas decorations in the form of strings of large Christmas lights.
Basically, these large Christmas lights look much like the lights available for outdoor decorations today, just bigger, and some would argue better. They always came in long strings of lights, and were multicolored. In fact, you can often still see these strings of large Christmas lights on homes today.
So, the question is how to go about finding them. Some people actually have them passed down to them from generation to generation. However, if your family was not in the habit of doing this, there are still ways to find them and other Vintage Christmas decorations.
If you are not one for absolute authenticity, you can find reproductions of these vintage Christmas decorations at many season stores in your area, or in regular stores amongst their Christmas inventory. However, if you want to get the ones that are authentic, you will need to consider several things.
First of all, there is the issue of how much these kinds of Christmas decorations will cost. While they were probably not expensive in their day, they are now because they are harder to find. Also some vintage Christmas decorations, especially the ones intended to be placed on a mantle, were made out of sturdy cast iron, while nowadays many decorations are made out of plastic.
Something else that you will need to consider is the condition that these Christmas decorations will be in. For example, if you are thinking about getting a vintage Coca Cola Santa figurine, if you want it for a lower price you are going to have to get one in need of repair.
Try looking for vintage Christmas decorations at local antique shops. While they might have decorations available throughout the year, they are more apt to during the holiday season. You can also search the internet, since there are several websites that sell these. However, be sure to ask for a certificate of authenticity. With some research you are sure to find the best vintage Christmas decorations for your home.