Growing a boxwood bonsai is not that troublesome. You just have to know your boxwood bonsai and follow the proper care guidelines in propagating it. Here are some tips you should follow to become successful in propagating a boxwood bonsai:
1) Choose in what way you want to start your boxwood bonsai. Boxwood bonsai can be propagated through air-layering and cuttings. When you opt to begin it with air-layering, you should plant it in April. If you choose to begin with cuttings, you should take cuttings during autumn or early part of springtime.
2) Use the best soil for your boxwood bonsai. You must be able to use a good soil that will suit the requirements of your bonsai tree. The soil should have good aeration and good drainage qualities. Good drainage is very necessary because the extra amounts of water that is not absorbed by the root system will be drained out by the soil. It will not store excess water because it can cause rotting to the root system of your bonsai.
3) Purchase a bonsai-friendly pot or container. You must make use of a bonsai pot or container that can support the growth and development of your bonsai tree. It should have adequate space and most importantly, it should have drainage holes. Drainage holes will help the soil to drop out excess water.
4) Protect your miniature boxwood from frost. You must protect your boxwood bonsai from frost, especially during winter seasons so that they can undergo dormancy period, which is an essential process to their development. You can protect them by making use of window wells, enclosed unheated rooms, cold frames, or mulch beds.
5) Expose to a direct and indirect sunlight. It is very important that you expose your boxwood bonsai under a direct sunlight during morning and in an indirect sunlight during midday until afternoon. Morning sunshine is just perfect for them because it is not too harsh for them. During midday and afternoon, place your bonsai under a shady location because this will prevent burning of their leaves.
6) Give sufficient amounts of water. You should water your boxwood bonsai when the soil is dry. You can check it by dipping about inch of your finger into the soil. When the soil is dry, you can now water it by making use of a watering can with fine nozzle or dipping it in a container of water between five to ten minutes. You should not give too less amounts of water because it can dehydrate your boxwood bonsai, and if worse comes to worst it can cause death of your miniature tree.
7) Provide a fertilizer with good quality. Fertilizers will help your boxwood bonsai to grow in the best way possible. You can use an organic or chemical fertilizer. But when you choose to use a chemical fertilizer, you should make sure that you follow the manufacturer?s instruction so that you cannot harm your boxwood bonsai. It is best to apply the fertilizer during the springtime, and give it once in every two weeks.