Here are some helpful tips in growing a Ficus retusa bonsai:
Choose whether to start your Ficus retusa bonsai from cuttings, seeds, or air-layers. But when you are planning to grow it from seeds, make sure that the seeds are fresh and you have allowed the seeds to undergo the germination process. Germination process can be made naturally or you can force it by artificially achieving the germination process.
Select a good and durable pot for the miniature ficus retusa. It is not necessary that it should have design and styles because you need to use a pot that will support the growth of the young miniature tree.
Prepare a good soil mixture, you can actually prepare your own soil mixture or purchase from garden stores or nurseries. It should have good drainage quality and will promote good aeration.
Allow your Ficus retusa bonsai to be exposed on bright indirect sunlight. If you are growing it inside your home, you can put it near the window where the sunlight can shine through it. You can also use a fluorescent lamp as the source of light.
You must protect you miniature Ficus retusa from sudden changes of temperature because this can affect its growth and development.
You must also protect it from very cold climate. It is not advisable that you expose your little tree to an environment that has a temperature below 15 degree Celsius. It can weaken your miniature tree because it can not tolerate winter season.
Use a fertilizer that has high amounts of nitrogen. This will encourage growth of your Ficus retusa bonsai, and it should be applied during the spring season. It should be applied every two weeks, but you can do it weekly as long as you apply half strength of the fertilizer.
Do not fertilize your miniature tree during the winter season.
You can also feed your Ficus retusa bonsai when they are weak and unhealthy to help it gain back its optimal health.
When wiring the miniature Ficus retusa tree, you must check it regularly especially during the growing season. This is the time where plants and trees grow rapidly, and the wires around the branches and trunks can cause ugly scars if they are not removed on the right time.
Repotting your Ficus retusa bonsai should be done once in every 1 to 2 years because they are fast growing miniature trees.
You must check the root system on a regular basis so that you can prevent root bounding, which can weaken your miniature tree.
Ficus retusa bonsai is resistant to a lot of pests and diseases. But you need to check the bonsai regularly to eradicate pests or treat the infection as early as possible.